We are thrilled to be welcoming you into our Buffalo Herd! We know that you will find AISM to be an incredibly warm and supportive community. This section of the website is dedicated to our new community members and is here to provide you with the information you’ll need to join us on campus.
Please click into the different sections below to find out more:
1. Health & safety
Please remember that your child may not start school before this health history and vaccination form has been submitted to the health services office.
2. drop off & pick-up routine
Students can be dropped off on campus from 07:30 onwards. Parents are welcome to bring learners to class in the mornings and pick them up at the end of the day at 15:00. If your child is doing Before & After School Activities (B/ASAs), these start at 07:00 and, depending on the type of activity, run until 16:30 or 17:00 in the afternoon.
3. bus service
The AISM Bus Service covers most of Maputo, both for regular school days and for Before & After School Activities. If you are planning on using the AISM bus service, contact our head of security, Mr. Carlos Figueiredo. He can assist you with routes and times.
4. items to bring to school daily
Hat, water bottle, snack, and lunch (if the child prefers to bring lunch from home - see FAQ 5 for more information about on-campus food services). Some students eat lunch picnic-style and might enjoy having a blanket or a capulana to sit on.
5. food services
Primary School learners may either bring lunch from home or order in advance using the information below for our cafeteria services. Secondary School learners may bring food from home or may pre-pay and order either from the Cafeteria or from Cafe Sol. Information on both services is linked here.
6. stationery list
Here at AISM, we realise that preparing for a new school and/or a new school year is challenging enough so we try to minimise the stress by providing all supplies & books where possible. See below for more information
- AISM will provide all stationery for Primary School learners.
- For Secondary School learners, you will be happy to note that notebooks and other classroom materials will be provided by the school, however learners are welcome to purchase their own individualized notebooks if they would like. Learners are also encouraged to bring a pencil case with basic stationery supplies such as pens, pencils etc. For PE, students will need appropriate clothing and footwear. If your child wants to use a locker, please provide a combination lock.
- Additionally, for our G9-12 students, it is necessary to bring a Geometry set and a TI-84 (all Models) OR TI-Nspire (non-CAS models) graphing calculator.
7. primary school schedule
- ELC: Monday-Friday from 08:00-13:30
- Grades KG-5: Monday-Friday from 08:00-15:00
- Classroom teachers will reach out to new learners with additional orientation information as needed.
8. secondary school schedule
Monday-Friday from 08:00-15:00. We have a rotating 8-block schedule (A-H), in which students have four classes each day. We will provide support for this on arrival. Students will be able to access their schedule through their ManageBac account that will be activated by the IT Department upon arrival.
9. before/after school activities (B/asas)
Activities are organized by Mr. Tavela Kwilimbe, the Director of Integrated Learning, and his team, Madalena & Fernando. The Integrated Learning Department (ILD) will activate your SchoolsBuddy account which will allow you to view the activities available to your children’s specific grade levels. Check out and follow our Activities & Sports Instagram page to see the experiences that lie ahead.
10. learning management systems
Google Classroom, SeeSaw (for primary) and ManageBac (for secondary). You will be assigned accounts and provided instructions on how to log on and what you can find in each system. For more information about the systems used at AISM, please click here.
11. aism google accounts
All students have been assigned AISM Google accounts. These are used for registration to various learning tools. Google accounts will follow a general pattern: [email protected].
12. bring your own device policy (Gr.9-12 only)
Learners in Grades 9-12 must bring their own device to school. All information related to this may be found here. Electronics tend to be expensive in Maputo and selection is more limited, so we recommend that you purchase and bring devices ahead of time. Note that learners from ELC to Grade 8 use school-issued iPads.
13. parent communication
Email is our main communication tool for both broadcast messages as well as individual communication with parents.
14. weekly bulletin
Each week, we send an e-newsletter with an update from the director as well as stories of learning from AISM and information about upcoming events. Currently, the bulletin is published on Friday afternoons and will be sent to your email address.
15. community hub
The community area of the website provides you with additional internal information. The "Whole School Calendar" and "School Data" sections are password-protected, and you will be granted access upon arrival.
16. aism parent teacher association (pta)
The PTA works hard to create programs of value for parents. The PTA has WhatsApp group chats available for parents, click here to access a list and join the relevant ones. They also operate a small school store where they sell capulanas, library bags, hats, and more. If you are interested in joining this incredibly active group of parents who do so much to foster community, please contact [email protected]
As with all organisations there are lots of acronyms to get used to - and this is no different here at the American International School of Mozambique (AISM). Here are a few that you will regularly come across - what have we missed? Please let us know!
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is the Curriculum Framework and it is split into different sections
There are many other acronyms to get used to:
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is the Curriculum Framework and it is split into different sections
- The Primary Years Programme (PYP) which includes the Early Years (EY) - Early Learning Center (ELC3 & ELC4) and Kindergarten (KG) to Grade 5 (so 3 year olds to 11 year olds. The culminating project - in G5 - is the PYP Exhibition (PYPX)
- The Middle Years Programme (MYP) which includes Grades 6 to Grade 10 - so what would traditionally be Middle School (MS) and the first two years of High School (HS) in the United States (US). The culminating project of MYP is called the Personal Project (PP).
- The Diploma Programme (DP) which is Grade 11 and Grade 12 - similar to sixth form (A Levels) in the United Kingdom (UK). The DP curriculum is made up of six subject groups - both Higher & Standard Level (HL/SL) classes) within which they will have internal assessments (IAs) and the DP core, comprising Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) and the Extended Essay (EE)
There are many other acronyms to get used to:
- Our Integrated Learning Department (ILD) deals with Week Without Walls (WWW) trips, Before and After School Activities (B/ASAs) and we are part of the International Schools of Southern and Eastern Africa (ISSEA) organisation which allows us to compete with other international schools in the region in a variety of sports and activities.
- The different subjects also have acronyms too! So confusing :)
- Language & Literature (L&L)
- Language Acquisition (LA)
- Individuals & Societies (I&S) which is similar to Social Studies or History/Geography
- Visual Arts (VA) & Performing Arts (PA)
- Design is often synonymous with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEM/STEAM)
- Physical Education (PE)
- In the DP subjects, there are several other classes that have acronyms
- Mathematics is split into Analysis & Approaches (AA) and Applications & Interpretation (AI)
- Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) is one of the Science subject
- Our room naming also makes sense - if you know it!
- P = Primary, L = Language (so predominantly L&L & LA classrooms), H = History originally (so now I&S), A = Arts, MT = Mathematics, S = Science
- Our two main meeting rooms (after the auditorium) are Multi Purpose room 1 (MP1) - above the cafeteria and Multi Purpose room 2 (MP2) - in the Science (S) block
- P = Primary, L = Language (so predominantly L&L & LA classrooms), H = History originally (so now I&S), A = Arts, MT = Mathematics, S = Science